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The School of Philosophy, Politics and Economics has a no-tolerance policy on bullying, harassment and discrimination and we aim to be an inclusive and collegial place to work and study for our whole community. Students and staff who experience or witness bullying, discrimination and harassment are not alone.

We have people and resources in place that can be accessed for confidential support or information on the procedures for raising complaints.

Students can contact their academic tutor, Programme Director, the Head of School, the Head of Department, the UG, PGT, and PGR Directors, or the D&I Lead; staff can contact their line manager, Head of Department, Head of School, HR Partner, or the D&I Lead.

How to report an incident

Students can report an incident of bullying, harassment or discrimination by emailing neverok@reading.ac.uk#NeverOk is a joint ºÚ¹Ï³ÔÁÏÍø Students' Union campaign against all forms of bullying, harassment and discrimination.

If you require urgent assistance, call the University’s Security Team on 0118 378 7799 (or 0118 378 6300 in an emergency). If there is an imminent threat to someone’s safety, please call 999.

Staff can access a network of trained volunteer Harassment Advisers across the University.

Harassment Advisers and formal procedure for reporting incidents 

Welfare and counselling support

The School of Philosophy, Politics and Economics runs sessions dedicated specifically to welfare for all our new students at the start of each academic year. New staff also receive a welfare induction when they begin employment with us.

In addition to this, the University offers a variety of types of support for personal difficulties to students and staff, whether with regards to a particular incident or not. These can relate to adjusting to University life, crises, family or relationship issues, drug or alcohol, or violence, and a range of other issues.


The  is here to help, and students can contact them on studentwelfare@reading.ac.uk or 0118 378 4777.

In addition, students can access Counselling and Wellbeing on counselling@reading.ac.uk or 0118 378 4216 for further support.


Staff have access to confidential advice and support through the Employee Assistance Programme on assist@cic-eap-co.uk or 0800 085 1376. This service is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

In addition, there are a range of other Wellbeing resources available to staff, including  (log in required) and the Wellbeing Peer Support Network, a network of trained staff volunteers who can offer peer support if you are experience a mental health issue, poor wellbeing or emotional distress.