- in Markus Heldingsfelder and Maren Lehmann (eds) Corona – Weltgeschaft im Ausnamenzustand (Weilerwist, Velbrück Wissenschaft, Germany)
- Editor and translator (with Christian Morgner) of Niklas Luhmann’s Trust and Power (2017) Polity Press
- Time and the Fall - The Limits of Political Steering in Hard Times
- A review article of Elena Esposito: (2013) Economy and Sciety
- Systems, not People, Make Society Happen (2009) Edinburgh:Holcombe Publishing ( free download)
- "The Right Decision for the Child" (2007) Modern Law Review Vol.70 (5) 857-871
- "How the Law Defines the Special Educational Needs of Autistic Children". (With Diane King), (2006) Child and Family Law Quarterly Vol.18 (1). To download a copy of this article
- "What's the Use of Luhmann's Theory?" in Luhmann on Law and Politics. Critical Appraisals and Applications,(eds) King, M. and Thornhill, C. (London:Hart Publishing, 2006)
- Y diritti dei bambini in un mondo incerto (Rome:Donzelli, 2004)
- Niklas Luhmann's Theory of Politics and Law (with Chris Thornhill) (Basingstoke,:Palgrave/Macmillan. 2003)
In Press
- Translator with (Margaret Hiley and Christian Morgner) and Author of ‘Afterword’, The Making of Meaning: From the Individual to Social Order: Selections from Niklas Luhmann’s Works on Semantics and Social Structure (Oxford, Oxford University Press) (to be published March 2022)
- Editor of Special Edition on Niklas Luhmann’s ‘The Child as the Medium for Education (to be published in the Journal of Educational Theory, 2022)