

MNM3G013 - Personal Development 3


Type of module:

Summary module description:

The Personal Development module is an integrated and holistic part ofallMBA programmesat Henley Business School. It supportsand challengesmanagers in all aspects of their growth and is a catalyst for reflection on learning from all other modules of the MBA.

Personal Development is defined asthe identification and removal of those restraints that limit the likelihood of sustainable individual, organisational, social and environmental health and well-being.


There are four ideas at the heart of the Personal Development activities at Henley:

  1. PD is a holistic activity.It starts with raising self-awareness aboutcapabilities, motivations and ambitions in the context of universal values that create collective principles andpersonalbeliefs. PD promotes lifelong learning and leads to a broad understanding of therole of the manager in society;

  1. Self-awareness requires the space and time toreflect;

  1. From reflection on current reality, learners findandprepare foraims and goals(at work and in life) by establishingawareness ofgaps and systematically building a personal action plan;

  2. ճarticulationof thoughts, emotions, goals and achievements across a range of media,and the demonstration of critical thinking,are necessary outcomes to measure personal development

Assessable learning outcomes:

Intendedlearning outcomes:

The moduleencourageseach Programme Memberto:

  • take control of their direction,have and pursue life and career goals;

  • raise awareness of self andengagein open self-enquiry;

  • act with integrity to obtain maximum benefit for self and organisation from the learning opportunity;

  • reflect upon their own learning, performance and achievement and plan for their personal, educational and career development;

Assessable learning outcomes:

Knowledge and understandingProgramme Members will:

  1. developa structured and critical approach to self-development;

  1. state and revise goals, developa review and planning process;

  1. understandtheirneeds, talents and beliefs as driversin managing work-life balance and career;

  1. reflecton environmental factors driving change in organisational structure and the patterns and character of work, employment and career.

Cognitive and intellectual skillsProgramme Members will:

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  • recordexperiences and achievements, reflect critically, and maintaina record with appropriate evidence incorporating a learning journal, on what has been learned and how it has been applied;

    1. identifyhow to be a more independent learner.

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    Behavioural skillsProgramme Members will:

    1. actively seek assumptions through curiosity and questions;

    1. implement an action plan

    Additional outcomes:

    Outline content:

    The key topics covered in all modes of study address the aim of enabling programme members to develop an appreciation and understanding of

    • Personal development planning and self-development

    • The personal development process: planning, learning, application of learning, reflection and recording

    • Self-awareness and reflection:&nbs p;

    • Learning as an adult, and “learning to learn”: the learning cycle, lifecycle and learning styles

    • Personality, Values and motivation

    • Reflection in personal development

    • Development plans

    • Dealing with personal dilemmas and choices: reconciling personality, motives, values and aspirations

    • Gap analysis, goal setting, action planning, reflection and recording progress

    • Career & Context

    • Networks and Personal Brand

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      Progression in role and career development

    • The social context of being a manager

    • Personal Branding as a thought leader

    • The Reflective Practitioner

    • Concept of the Reflective Practitioner

    • Four Elements of Balance

    • The Integrated Leader

    Brief description of teaching and learning methods:

    Personal Development Review and Planning

    The module is designed arounda core process of teaching andlearning byreflectiontoprepareProgramme Membersto make the most of their course overall. Specific tasks for review, reflection andplanningare built into the course materials, creating a record that isthen updated iterativelythroughout Stages 1, 2 and 3. Written formative and summative asse ssmentscome atthe end ofeach stagesofthe programme.

    The moduleusesa blended learning approach combining:

    • on-line resources and exercises, supporting astudyguide,and subject tutors;

    • four, one-day PD workshops;

    • aseries of additional online support resources made availab le throughout the programme.

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    Contact Hours:Executive MBA (Global)

    Stage 1

    Stage 2

    Stage 3





    Practical Classes




    Independent Study Hours (Guide)

    Wider reading (independent)




    Wider reading (directed)




    Essay preparation - may include conducting research, analysing data, editing the finished product




    Contact hours:
    Autumn Spring Summer
    Total hours by term
    Total hours for module

    Summative Assessment Methods:
    Method Percentage
    Written assignment including essay 100

    Summative assessment- Examinations:

    Summative assessment- Coursework and in-class tests:

    Programme members submit their first assignment near theend of Stage 1 and thenfurtherPersonal Development Reviewsand Plansat the end of Stages2 and 3.

    Stage 1:PDAssignment1(2,000 words)

    Stage 2PDAssignment2(2,500 words)

    Stage3:PDAssignment3(1,500 words)

    Formative assessment methods:

    Penalties for late submission:

    The below information applies to students on taught programmes except those on Postgraduate Flexible programmes. Penalties for late submission, and the associated procedures, which apply to Postgraduate Flexible programmes are specified in the policy £Penalties for late submission for Postgraduate Flexible programmes£, which can be found here: