
PYMSUC - Supervisor Training for Children and Young People's IAPT


PYMSUC-Supervisor Training for Children and Young People's IAPT

Module Provider: Psychology
Number of credits: 30 [15 ECTS credits]
Terms in which taught: Spring / Summer / Autumn module
Non-modular pre-requisites:
Modules excluded:
Current from: 2020/1

Module Convenor: Ms Pam Myles-Hooton

Email: p.myles-hooton@reading.ac.uk

Type of module:

Summary module description:

The aim of this module is to:

- introduce the CYP IAPT programme, and the national and political context for CAMHS.

- develop supervisor skills in broadening trainee therapists understanding of psychological theory directly relevant to CYP IAPT, psychological knowledge in the context of working with children, young people, parents and families, and service-related issues in CAMHS.

- equip supervisor trainees with the knowledge of how to guide trainee therapists in the core processes of the CYP IAPT course.

- enable supervisor trainees to understand and develop skills in providing direct modality-specific supervision to trainee therapists.Ìý


A. To enable supervisors to incorporate CYP IAPT principles into supervisory practice, developing supervisors who can assist in the overall service transformation of services participating in the project.

B. To enable supervisors to have critical knowledge of the theoretical, research and implementation literature that underpins the supervision of trainees on the Children and Young People’s IAPT project.

C. To enable supervisors to develop sustainable skills in supervising Children and Young People’s IAPT in order to drive the ongoing development of quality driven, outcomes informed services.

Learning Objectives:

1. Understand the aims, objectives and structure of the CYP IAPT programme.

2. Understand the importance of supervision as a key clinical activity within the CYP IAPT project.

3. Be aware of the models of supervision applied within CYP IAPT project services.

4. Be able to describe the supervision competences outlined by Roth & Pilling (2007), published at:


5. Demonstrate practical understanding in the application of clinical supervision competences.

Assessable learning outcomes:
Knowledge of:

1. The core concepts of IAPT with a brief history of the Adult IAPT programme, including policy-drivers for mental health, models of stepped-care and outcome based delivery.

2. The core components of the Children and Young People’s IAPT project, with clear reference to the current context for CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services), in terms of demand and capacity, and range of existing service delivery models.

3. The time-line for key policy-drivers shaping the development of Children and Young People’s IAPT, including the CAMHS Review, NICE guidelines and No Health without Mental Health.

4. The rationale for the IAPT curriculum, and development of the project around evidence-based CBT interventions for anxiety and depression, alongside parent training.

5. The model of delivery for Children and Young People’s IAPT and expectations around service change and outcomes monitoring embedd ed in the Children and Young People’s IAPT project.

6. How Children and Young People’s IAPT trained service managers will operate in their own service, considering how they will facilitate service change, along with trainee therapists and service managers.

7. The core purpose of supervision exploring the differences between clinical supervision, case management, clinical governance.

8. The Core Competency framework for supervision (Roth & Pilli ng, 2007), and understand the importance of the 4 levels.

9. The focus on Clinical Supervision of trainee therapists within the first year of implementation of Children and Young People’s IAPT.

10. The use of self-reflection in exploring the advantages and disadvantages of different styles of supervision.

11. The importance of supervision as a space for support, teaching, clinical discussion, problem-solving and reflection with trainees, in addition to c onsidering how to give constructive advice, direction and critical analysis to aid trainee therapists.

12. How to problem-solve dilemmas, including:

• Challenges presented by clinical casework.

• Concerns regarding the competency of trainees.

• Issues in the supervisor/supervisee relationship.

• How supervision is important in preventing staff-burnout.

• The importance of treatment fidelity in relati on to Children and Young people's IAPT.

13. Following clear guidance set out in Roth and Pilling (2007), as referenced, the module will then develop trainee understanding of the following:

a) The importance of how to set up supervision to maximise the learning of trainee therapists, attending to the setting, regularity and timing of supervision session.

b) The importance of contracting with trainee therapists to allow for clarity both between supervisor/su pervisee but also in order to comply with course requirements.

c) The importance of the course requirements around client contact, recording, and other formal requirements of the course.

d) The mechanisms for providing feedback to the trainee and course, including learning outcome 5.

e) The importance of theory-practice links in the delivery of CBT and parenting interventions with young people and parents, and how to guide trainee therapists to articulate and explain these links throughout their work.

14. The importance of assessment as a key skill for trainee therapists in gathering salient information to guide future interventions.

15. The importance of formulation as a key skill for trainee therapists in understanding and communicating psychological ideas to young people and parents.

16. The importance of both condition-specific and general methods of formulation, in order to develop trainee therapists’ co nfidence in representing psychological difficulties in pictorial form, and translating ideas about predisposing, precipitating and maintaining variables in an age-appropriate, user-friendly format.

17. The importance of being creative and confident in developing teaching methods to enable trainees therapist to understand links between theory and practice, and in turn promote creativity in the work of trainee therapists.

Additional outcomes:

Students will gain confidence in supervision of clinicians involved in the assessment and treatment of children and young people.

Academically, students will develop skills in critical appraisal of research and develop theory-practice links.Ìý

Reflective practice will be integrated as part of all training within the module.



Outline content:

The module will comprise of in-class teaching, clinical skills practice/supervised clinical practice, supervision in-service and independent study. Teaching will be provided by experienced and suitably trained therapists (e.g. supervisors will fulfil BABCP therapist accreditation criteria).

TwelveÌýdays teaching which will cover the following:

- understanding Children and Young People's IAPT.

- principles of supervision.

- promot ing psychological knowledge in supervision.

- the use of outcomes data in supervision.

- facilitating therapeutic process in supervision.

- delivering modality-specific supervision.

Some of the days will also focus on the evidence-based treatment models that their supervisees are trained to utilise with Children and Young People.

Global context:

The content follows a national curriculum.

Brief description of teaching and learning methods:

The aims of this module will be achieved through a series of workshops, which will incorporate lectures, role-plays, and small group discussions. These will last from 9.30 to 4.30 p.m. Unless otherwise stated, all teaching days comprise of 50% clinical skills practice. Specific supervision material to improve practice will be presented and discussed. Teaching will be provided by course tutors, with some national and international experts where appropriate.Ìý

Contact ho urs:Ìý

•ÌýÌý Ìý12 teaching days in total

•ÌýÌý ÌýTotal contact hours for this module will be a minimum of 300, to include lectures and clinical skills, supervision, guided independent study.


Contact hours:
Ìý Autumn Spring Summer
Lectures 11.5 34.5 23
Guided independent study: 77 77 77
Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý
Total hours by term 88.5 111.5 100.0
Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý
Total hours for module 300

Summative Assessment Methods:
Method Percentage
Written assignment including essay 100

Summative assessment- Examinations:

Summative assessment- Coursework and in-class tests:

The assessment has two parts:


1) Written assignment on the Theory and Practice of Supervision.

2) Practice Portfolio including a supervision log and supervisor trainee reports (marked as Pass/Fail).

Formative assessment methods:

Penalties for late submission:
Penalties for late submission on this module are in accordance with the University policy. Please refer to page 5 of the Postgraduate Guide to Assessment for further information: http://www.reading.ac.uk/internal/exams/student/exa-guidePG.aspx

Assessment requirements for a pass:

50% in each piece of assessed work for 1. The Portfolio must be marked as a pass. A minimum of 80% attendance is required.

Reassessment arrangements:

Students who do not obtain the required pass mark in the assessed work will be given the opportunity to resubmit, on one further occasion, any individual assessment that has been failed. The re-sit grade cannot exceed 50%.

Completion of studies is dependent on employment within a CAMHS partnership of the Central and South CYP IAPT Collaborative and ongoing access to a CYP IAPT appropriate clinical caseload. Students must successfully pass all modules of the training programme. Therefore a student’s studies may be terminated if they are no longer working in a partnership service, no longer have access to an ongoing CYP IAPT appropriate caseload, or fail coursework at second attempt.

Additional Costs (specified where applicable):
1) Required text books:
2) Specialist equipment or materials:
3) Specialist clothing, footwear or headgear:
4) Printing and binding:
5) Computers and devices with a particular specification:
6) Travel, accommodation and subsistence:

Last updated: 4 April 2020


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