When planning and writing your CV, it can be a challenge to get across your point concisely and effectively. Your choice of words is important, so take a look at our list of 90 positive verbs you can use to brighten up your CV and make yourself a more attractive hire!
Achieved Administered Advised Advocated Analysed Approved Arranged Assembled Assessed Authorised Awarded Budgeted Chaired Championed Clarified Coached Collaborated Completed Conducted Co-ordinated Created Decided Delivered Designed Developed Devised Directed Discovered Edited Enabled |
Encouraged Engineered Enlisted Ensured Established Evaluated Examined Expanded Explained Facilitated Formulated Gained Generated Identified Implemented Improved Increased Initiated Instructed Interviewed Introduced Invented Invigorated Launched Led Liaised Managed Marketed Maximised Negotiated |
Obtained Operated Organised Oversaw Performed Persuaded Planned Prepared Presented Prioritised Produced Promoted Raised Ran Recognised Recommended Recruited Redesigned Represented Saved Scheduled Set up Simplified Sold Solved Started Tailored Targeted Transformed Tutored |
If you need help when writing your CV, or would like some pointers updating your existing one, feel free to with one our careers consultants who will be happy to help you.